THE FIRST STRATEGIC DRINKING GAME! Compete with your friends during your parties to become the great champion!
GAME PURPOSE: Each player has life points, the objective is to take away your opponents'. You must use cards to deal out gobs to your opponents. Once you receive sips, you have the choice to drink them or not by losing a life point.
NUMBER OF PLAYERS: From 2 to 18 players. If there are more than 6 players, make teams of 2 or 3 players (6 teams max). The number of Life Points (HP) varies according to the number of players (2 players = 7 HP / 3-4 players or teams = 5 HP / 5-6 players or teams = 4 HP)
FOR A DRINK WITH OR WITHOUT ALCOHOL: It is possible to play Drinking War without drinking. The non-drinking player loses 1 VP when he receives an attack of 13 or more. (Example: a non-drinking player is attacked by 13 swallows, he can use a -1 on defense to not lose any VP. If he had no defense, he would have lost 1 VP)
Nog 3 op voorraad - Voor 16:00 besteld, morgen in huis
In Pictures probeer je alledaagse afbeeldingen en foto's te reproduceren om anderen te laten raden. Maar wees voorzichtig, hier gaat het niet om tekenen of aanwijzingen geven met woorden! Tot uw beschikking, nieuwe sets: 2 stukken touw, kiezelstenen en stokken of zelfs houten blokken, om de oefening meer ... smakelijk te maken!
Vorm een 4x4 raster met willekeurig gekozen fotokaarten. Definieer de 4 rijen met de letterfiches en de 4 kolommen met de cijfertokens. Elke speler neemt een set raadvoorwerpen en trekt een coördinatenfiche uit de stoffen zak. Dit token duidt de te raden geheime foto aan. Alle spelers proberen tegelijkertijd hun Geheime Foto-afbeelding weer te geven met behulp van hun Set, zodat deze wordt herkend door andere spelers. Als je klaar bent, is het tijd om te raden welke foto's de andere spelers hebben geprobeerd weer te geven. Ieder noteert op zijn kaart zijn aanname voor elk van de andere spelers. Voordat een speler zijn coördinatenfiche onthult, geven de andere spelers hun gok. Iedereen die de foto correct raadt, krijgt 1 punt. De persoon die erin is geslaagd zijn geheime foto te raden, krijgt ook 1 punt voor elk goed antwoord. Het spel eindigt na 5 rondes.
In Captain Sonar bestuur je samen met je team een onderzeeër en probeer je de onderzeeër van het andere team op te blazen. Daarvoor zul je ze wel eerst moeten vinden door te luisteren welke richting zij gaan. Iedere speler heeft een functie die kritiek is voor het behalen van de missie. De Captain zet de koers uit, de Engineer houdt het schip draaiende en de Radio Operator bedient de sonar om zodoende het andere team te vinden. Captain Sonar kan op twee manieren worden gespeeld
Volg je eigen pad in Tsuro en vindt de weg naar goddelijke wijsheid.Plaats een tegel en schuif je steen over het pad maar let op: de paden van andere spelers kunnen je route wijzigen of zelfs uitschakelen! Blijf op je hoede om op het bord te blijven en het spepl te winnen
Een uitbreiding voor Pictures van Daniela en Christian Stöhr voor maximaal 6 spelers.
Pictures Orange is de eerste grote uitbreiding voor Pictures, het bekroonde creatieve familiespel. Twee nieuwe materiaalsets en 55 kaarten met 110 nieuwe foto's zorgen voor meer afwisseling en blijvend plezier.
Hidden Leaders is a quick, light strategy card game with direct player interaction.
It combines tableau building and deduction elements with its unique winning mechanism. This is a game of great tension with no-down time, that’s fast to learn. Its distinctive artwork and character names will make you smile.
Het is het jaar 2055. Een groep ondernemers plant de bouw van de meest ontwikkelde stad ter wereld, die volledig autonoom zal zijn wat betreft energie en voedsel en een wetenschappelijk onderzoekscentrum zal vormen waarin mens en natuur in perfecte symbiose samenleven. Om dat plan te doen slagen, moeten de drie stadsdelen harmonieus met elkaar samenwerken en niets of niemand mag iets tekortkomen.
In Neotopia zijn de spelers ondernemers die met behulp van verschillende elementen, geproduceerd door fabrieken, projecten voltooien in de drie stadsdelen. Wie zal de meest succesvolle ondernemer zijn aan het einde van het spel?
Nog 1 op voorraad - Voor 16:00 besteld, morgen in huis
In Kyoto no Neko, 2 to 4 players are kittens who explore the modern-day city of Kyoto, Japan through a series of independent, replayable scenarios. In each scenario, players must fulfill a variety of missions that represent typical cat activities, from befriending a school boy to fighting an aggressive stray cat, or stealing the food from other player's dinner bowl. During each game, every player will evolve, developing their skills and gaining the ability to explore new parts of the map by climbing on bushes and rooftops.
Using a system of skills, Kyoto no Neko will see each player interact with some of Kyoto's inhabitants, both animal and human. Each turn provides the opportunity to uncover something new about the city as players will reveal elements from little insects to specific objects or denizens of Kyoto. While some of these elements are represented by cardboard tiles, others come as standees, ensuring a stunning visual presence.
Nog 1 op voorraad - Voor 16:00 besteld, morgen in huis
People of the forest and the sea, wake up! Play as shamans and build Megaliths to expand your power and dominate the rival tribe. Activate the unique powers of each new Megalith, but beware, as they can also be activated by the shamans of the opposing people!
In this 2-player puzzle duel, move your Shamans across the field, try to banish an opposing Shaman, and build Megaliths to get closer to victory!
Do you have the soul of a shaman?
Nog 1 op voorraad - Voor 16:00 besteld, morgen in huis
Inis is a game deeply rooted in Celtic history and lore in which players win by being elected King of the Island (Inis). Players can try to achieve one of three different victory conditions: Leadership: Be the leader of territories containing at least six opponents' clans. Land: Have your clans present in at least six different territories. Religion: Have your clans present in territories that collectively contain at least six shrines. Over the course of the game, players also earn deeds, typically chanted by bards or engraved by master crafters, that reduce by one the magic total of six for any condition. While one victory condition is enough to claim the title of King, a game of experienced players usually has a tight balance of power, emphasizing the leadership of the capital of the island.
St Patrick's is a game of dupes played in several rounds.
Fight to keep the most life points by using relics to avoid snake bites. Each round has three phases: Deal cards, collect Relics, and hunt Snakes.
But beware! If you are greedy, ALL Relics are collected BEFORE the snake hunt, the Relics turn into curses and each player will lose as many life points as the number of Relics they have collected.
In Takenokolor, you make your debut as a gardener. You must develop your bamboo grove, create watering places, and attract fish and ladybugs to make your garden a little piece of paradise resplendent with color.
Each turn, one player throws four pencils — green, yellow, pink, and blue — then chooses one. The other players choose one of the remaining pencils in turn, then all players simultaneously color on their sheet, one bamboo section corresponding to the same color and to the same symbol as the pencil ring they chose: circle, square, or triangle.
Princess Jing is a game of bluffing for two players or two groups of players.
A palace can quickly become a maze for an escaping princess, where each mirror can either reveal a way out, or conceal a trap! It is up to her to use them at her advantage, before her guardians turn them into spying devices!
Each player moves their princess across the board, hiding her progression, while placing allies and mirrors to uncover your opponent’s princess. Escaping the palace and running off with your sweetheart will require both wits and stealth!
Nog 2 op voorraad - Voor 16:00 besteld, morgen in huis
In Captain Sonar, up to eight players take on roles manning a submarine in a fierce battle against rival players. Captain Sonar: Upgrade One adds new elements to the base game, including five new scenarios, two new weapons, eight erasable markers, and different ways to play the Captain and Radio Operator roles.
Nog 2 op voorraad - Voor 16:00 besteld, morgen in huis
Welkom bij de bamboetuin van de Keizerin, aspirant-tuinier. Jouw rol is essentieel: maak van deze plek een paradijs met duizend kleuren, beplant met bamboe, bevolkt door vissen en lieveheersbeestjes... voor het grootste plezier van de panda's!
Nog 1 op voorraad - Voor 16:00 besteld, morgen in huis
Aan het begin van de 13e eeuw waren de glasmakers van Venetië genoodzaakt om te verhuizen naar Murano. Het eiland werd beroemd en had de grootste glas productie van Europa. Speel als glasmaker en verzamel gekleurd glas om vervolgens de mooiste voorwerpen te creëren en je competitie voor te blijven!
Nog 1 op voorraad - Voor 16:00 besteld, morgen in huis
In the depths of the ocean, two submarine crews are engaged in a silent war, enemies forever.
SONAR Family is a submarine battle game in which two teams operate a different submarine. Each player plays a crew member: the Captain or the Radio Operator. The game comes with 4 Double-sided Captain Sheets and 4 Double-sided Radio Operator Sheets. These are maps that are dry erase and are used to track movement and find the opposing team to sink their submarine. The two teams are divided by a screen blocking the view of each team’s maps.
If one of the two submarines loses its second structure point, its team loses immediately. The team who sunk the submarine wins the game!
Nog 1 op voorraad - Voor 16:00 besteld, morgen in huis
Each player gets a cup with five poker dice and eight dollars. Each turn, a player will put together a poker hand and depending on the roll, take control of various key places in Dice Town that will allow him to perform the corresponding action of the location.
In a turn, all players shake their cup and take out all but one die, which is kept apart from the others. They repeat the process with the remaining dice until all five dice are on the table. Players may want to keep more than one die; they pay one dollar for each additional die.
Now the locations are checked...
Nines: In the gold mine, the player with the most 9's may take one nugget from the mine for each nine he has thrown.
Tens: In the bank, the player with the most 10's may rob the bank and take all bills there - each two bills represent one victory point at game end.
Jacks: The player who has the most J's goes to the general store and draws as many cards as he had thrown J's, keeping one. These cards may give from one to eight points, or entitle a player to perform the saloon or general store action twice in a row, place a die with a result of a player's choice under the cup without rolling, or steal 4 dollars from another player. There are many more cards of this kind that spice up the game.
Queens: The player with the most Q's in his roll wins the favor of the girls, and takes advantage of their charm to steal from an opponent. He may take as many cards from his opponent as he has thrown Q's, keeping one and giving back the others.
Kings: The player with the most K's becomes the new sheriff; he decides who wins in any ties, but the sheriff can be influenced with nuggets, cards, or money.
Aces/Poker hand: In the town hall, the player with the best poker hand gets a property claim worth from one to five victory points. Having aces in the best poker hand permits taking additional cards.
Finally, if a player did not win anything during a turn, he might visit Doc Badluck where he can choose any one of the following:- equip oneself with barbed wire - the player has two property claims that cannot be stolen;- draw the first card from the general store pile;- all other players must give the player two dollars;- an ace will bring a nugget from every other player.
The game ends when there are no more gold nuggets in the mine or when all property claims have been issued. Players count their points: 1 for each nugget, 1 for every two dollars, 5 for whomever is currently sheriff, and each general store and property card for its value.